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Sunday, 14 March 2010

10 Hidden Suprises In TelePhone

  • 1. A Star Wars reference

    The poisons: Fex-M3 is from the Star Wars extended universe, Meta-cyanide is from Dune, and Tiberium is from Command and Conquer.

  • 2. “House of Gaga” is misspelled

    It should be “Haus of Gaga.”

  • 3. “Ein” is misspelled

    It should be eins, which means 1.

  • 4. The diner in the video is from the TV show NCIS

  • 5. Gaga's sister, Natali Germanotta

  • 6. A completely random anime reference

    The woman in this scene gets her ass slapped by Tyrese and says “One Piece,” which refers to a popular Japanese anime. Why? No clue.

  • 7. A porn star

    This is apparently Alektra Blue, she's a porn star.

  • 8. The name of the prison

    Not really hidden, but awesome.

  • 9. “Telephone” lyrics in Swedish

    Scrolling at the bottom of the screen are the lyrics to “Telephone” in Swedish.

  • 10. Ms. Mann from Scary Movie

    One of the security guards is Ms. Mann from Scary Movie.


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